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Adding New Frameworks#

New frameworks can easily be added by editing the file. Frameworks are defined by classes following the NAME_fw naming template where NAME should be replaced by the framework to be implemented. Later, the framework can be selected using the class name. The constructor takes the qasm_circuit and the number of shots n_shots as parameter inputs.

The class must contain a method

def execute(self) -> None:

which should be a minimal call to the frameworks simulator. The output of the simulator can be stored in a class variable, e.g. self.result.

This result can then be accessed in the second required method

def get_result(self) -> Dict[str, float]:

Here, the simulator output can be post-processed so that a dictionary with bitstring representations for the measured qubits as keys and the normalised counts as values is returned. This dictionary is required to contain all combinations of bitstrings that result from:

bitstrings = [format(i, f"0{self.n_qubits}b") for i in range (2**self.n_qubits)]