
Tackling plateaus in parameterised quantum circuits with even more randomness

Team: cirKITers


  • It is not about the difficulty of climbing plateaus, but leaving them during optimization processes.


  • Barren plateaus (but also local minima) can have a big impact on trainability for parameterized quantum circuits


  • Dropouts are being used in Machine Learning
    • Preventing overfitting
    • Helping to train all parts of the Neural Network


Do dropouts have a similar effect to quantum circuits as in Machine Learning?

How do they influence circuits of varying depth and height?

To which ansätze are dropouts applicable if at all?

Experimental Setup

  • Pennylane to implement hybrid quantum-classical use case
  • Gradient Descent implementation for parameter optimization
  • Layered circuit ansatz as a template for scaling

Circuit Ansatz

  • Circuit based on ansatz from McClean, J.R., Boixo, S., Smelyanskiy, V.N. et al. Barren plateaus in quantum neural network training landscapes. Nat Commun 9, 4812 (2018).


						if cost does not change for several steps:
							create variations of current circuit
							perform another training step
							measure costs for variations
							pick circuit with lowest cost
							perform another training step
							measure current cost

Ensemble-based Dropout


  • Improved learning rate
  • Plot even includes penalty in number of steps for calculated ensembles for dropout


  • Fast learning possible with pretrained parameters when dropped gates are added back into the circuit


  • Good learning also for higher numbers of layers
  • Better understanding needed to improve performance

Conclusions so far

  • Dropouts can be applied for QML but differ from ML
  • Ensemble-based dropouts for parameterized quantum circuits
    • Rapid learning rates can be achieved
    • Method is able to escape plateaus where gradient descent converges either very slow or not at all
    • Allows for great tuning potential

Future Work

  • Exploration of varying sizes of circuits
  • Exploration of varying circuit ansätze
  • Exploration of varying learning methods
  • Exploration of further dropout mechanism
  • Developing better understanding of interdependencies
  • Targeted dropout of defined parts of a circuit/layer
All contents presented here and in the accompanying GitHub repository have been developed during the open hackathon at QHACK 2021.